They, Who Should Not Be Forgotten.

Hiya moviemaniac!! Apa kabar semua nih? well. i hope.

It’s been a veeeeeeeeery hectic week for me, jadi gini, about a week ago, wednesday or something ibu saya sakit, awalnya sih kayak demam biasa, jadilah cuman bed rest. But afer the thing went on, dan ibu saya cek darah, ternyata beliau positif typhus. Mondok lah ke rumah sakit, gak lama, about 2 days, giliran kakak saya yang jatuh sakit, dan yeah, it’s also typhus, so both women in my house were hospitalized, and so i ended up doing some chores and taking regular trip from my house to the hospital. And that’s exhausting.

Sekarang sih, udah mulai baikan semua, ibu saya udah boleh pulang tinggal istirahat di rumah, kakak saya juga uda ga separah awal awal.

And so to celebrates this, i decided to watch a masterpiece, a movie you all should watch at least 3 times, Christopher Nolan’s Batman second movie, The Dark Knight

Christopher Nolan's 2nd installment of the Dark Knight Trilogy


Now, franchise batman tuh udah banyak banget filmnya, and i have to say, by far batmannya Christopher Nolan yang kesannya adult banget, batman becomes more than just a superhero in comic but something more entirely.

Mungkin yang pernah nonton film batman jaman jaman baheula, yang waktu itu pernah di maenin sama George Clooney, terus ada Michael Keaton, juga sempet satu di maenin Val Kilmer, now those  batmans were not bad, but somehow it’s not as dark as Nolan’s Batman, kesan comical dan komediknya kerasa banget masih, tapi di The Dark Knight, batman bener bener udah dewasa.

The Dark Knight sendiri timeline nya ngikutin predesesornya, Batman Begins (2005). The main villain di sini adalah The Joker, Batman Archnemesis. So akhirnya somehow Batman berhasil nge inspirasiin orang orang Gotham buat fight back ke criminal criminal yang ada di Gotham, this was noticed by the new enthusiastic District Attorney Harvey Dent(Aaron Eckhart). Dent tuh eager banget buat menjarain mafia mafia di Gotham, especially falconi crime family yang di film pertamanya kehilangan pemimpin gara gara Batman juga. Anyhow entah dari mana tiba tiba muncullah The Joker ini, he’s a mad dog, a vicious mad dog, dan The Joker ini bener bener bikin kekacauan di Gotham. Bahkan sampe mara mob mob bosses ngebayar The Joker buat ngehabisin Batman, biar keadaan di Gotham bisa sama kayak dulu lagi, di mana mafia dan criminal tinggi banget.

"why so serious? why so serious?? why so serious?!? Let's put a smile on that face!"


You know i can’t really describe this movie, because it’s just too awesome, you have to see it for yourself, and if you’re reading my post then i hope you already watched it. Pengambilan gambarnya, akting pemainnya, score music nya, it’s all at its finest. Audience tu bener bener di manjain sama di bikin penasaran parah sama terkesima sama gimana gilanya The Joker, gimana Batman itu udah bukan tokoh favorit anak kecil aja.


Ngga cuman Jokernya aja sih, semua nya patut di kasi acknowledgement sendiri, Christian Bale sekali lagi berhasil ngebuktiin kalo dia itu cocok banget meranin Batman, essence glamor dan playboy-ish nya waktu dia “cuman” jadi Bruce Wayne kerasa, tapi lebih kerasaan waktu di Batman Begins sih, but still he’s good, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman? ngga usah di tanya lah ya, they’re what an actor should act, brilliant, Gary Oldman juga sebagai Jim Gordon, he’s greatly displayed a cop like its should be, eventhough Commissioner Gordon tuh kalo di kartunnya kan lebih keliatan lemah ya, you know sangat depends ke batman gitu, tapi di sini dia jadi “polisi” banget. Aaron Eckhart, well, even Nolan di salah satu wawancaranya bilang sendiri semacem kayak gini “people just talked about Ledger’s Joker, but me personally were astonished by Eckhart’s Dent” , almost everyone lah, buat saya pribadi sih yang agak kurang ya si Maggie Gyllenhaal ya, bukan karena aktingnya ga bagus, cuman saya terlanjur kepincut sama Katie Holmes yang di film pertama meranin Rachel Dawes juga, she’s kinda too old for that character

"But the night is darkest just before the dawn, and i promise you, the dawn is coming"


And above all that, my personal favorite, Heath Ledger as The Joker. jujur aja ya, saya tiap ngeliat film ini, tiap ngeliat akting Heath Ledger di sini itu langsung merinding, it’s just like he is The Joker himself and not someone who act to be The Joker. How he moves, he smack her lips with his tongue before he talks, semua semuanya deh.

He’s really acted it thoroughly. And i have to say, the tragedy that happens to him just before the movie premiere, have just given his last character to stick with him, to empower his act. Oh dan mungkin buat yang belum tau, Heath Ledger itu di temuin tewas di apartemennya dia, police investigation sih bilang dia overdosis dari both prescribed and unprescribed medicine. What’s going on the internet is, banyak yang bilang dia mati waktu masih pake riasan Joker, ada yang bilang dia mati gara gara “kutukan” karakter Joker itu sendiri. Bahkan ada kabar di internet yang bilang, dulu Jack Nicholson, yang sempet meranin Joker juga di film Batman(1989) pernah ngenasehatin Heath Ledger buat ati ati meranin Joker, jangan sampe his own sanity kemakan sama insanity nya Joker, and well it’s true though kalo kehidupannya Heath Ledger bisa dibilang dilematis dan bikin stress, some says his downward spiral live starts just after he played a gay cowboy di Brokeback Mountain(2005)

just Heath Ledger with unfinished Joker's make up, courtesy of 9gag *trollface*


Now, death in a character such as him, mungkin bukan hal baru ya, yang saya maksud seperti dia itu, bukan karakter Joker juga, tapi karakter dengan riasan wajah yang bisa di bilang disturbing, juga karakter yang dimaenin yang bunya suicidal tendency atau insanity gitu. Brandon Lee, anak dari Bruce Lee, atau mungkin orang orang lebih kenal dia sebagai The Crow. Yeah The Crow, a movie dated back to 1994.

Brandon Lee with The Crow's make up


See the resemblance? both The Joker and The Crow make up were very similar, di internet sih gila banget waktu itu, langsung semua orang nyambung nyambungin antara Heath Ledger sama Brandon Lee. Teori teori konspirasi di buat di sana sini, yang bilang itu kutukan make up lah, atau voodoo dari orang yang ngga suka liat war paint macem gitu, bahkan ada yang bilang , meranin karakter kayak gitu iitu ngerusak akal sehat dari pemainnya sendiri, yang akhirnya bikin mereka stress dan, well tends to resort to a suicidal actions.

Padahal kalo menurut investigation sama crew testimony sendiri sih ya, kasusnya Brandon Lee itu pure accident, how the gun property who supposed to not able to fire a bullet, jadi tiba tiba bisa muntahin peluru yang akhirnya ngerenggut nyawa Brandon Lee, tapi tetep gara gara Heath Ledger ngalamin hal yang serupa, orang orang langsung bikin cerita sendiri.

Yeah well, the choice to believe what really happens to these two awesome actors depends on you guys, whatever you believe what killed them, kita semua tetep harus angkat topi buat seluruh karya karya mereka, seluruh legacy mereka yang sampai saat ini masih bisa bikin kita tercengang, because when their body decayed, all that’s left are their legacies.


makam Bruce Lee bersebelahan sama makam anaknya Brandon Lee di Lake View Cemetery,Seattle


Anyway before i end my post, i’m gonna inform you guys, that Christopher Nolan’s third and last installment of the Dark Knight Trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises will be premiere worldwide July 2012 and i promise you guys, i will watch that movie on premiere and post a review bout that movie, oh yeah buat yang ketagihan sama gimana Christopher Nolan bisa bikin sosok superhero kesukaan kita waktu kecil berubah jadi tokoh mature yang kita suka juga, jangan sampe ngga nonton reboot dari the strongest superhero in the universe, yes you know who that is, The Man of Steel, directed by Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen, Sucker Punch) and Christopher Nolan (wohoooo!!!!) at the story writer. It’s also a must see movie di 2012 ini ya! happy waiting guys, oh and i’ll upload a teaser poster for those two movies here 🙂

The Dark Knight Rises, with Bane as the main villain


and the teaser poster for the man of steel

Henry Cavill as the Man of Steel aka Clark Kent or Superman