Brief Emotions, Troubled Decisions and Whatnots

Beberapa hari belakangan ini entah kenapa saya ngerasa lagi produktif produktifnya dalam hal membuat tulisan. Ada banyak hal yang terjadi di sekitar saya, dan tidak sedikit yang anehnya, kebetulan sekali mirip dengan beberapa film yang saya lihat akhir akhir ini.

3 days of holiday ngebuat saya ngubek ngubek harddisk lama komputer saya dan i found, well you can say, a pioneer of space battles and fights, the modern science fiction, yup it’s Star Wars.

George Lucas memang punya sebuah formula unik yang membuat orang penasaran akan bagaimana sophisticatednya galaksi ciptaannya ini, apalagi dengan merilis 3 episode akhir baru kemudian 3 episode prekuelnya, sebuah market act yang cukup berani dan ternyata berhasil.

Star Wars bagi sebagian orang juga sudah bukan hanya sekedar film biasa, tapi sudah menjadi cult, sebuah kreasi yang sangat sangat menunjukkan bahwa imajinasi seseorang itu memang bener bener unlimited.

Yang paling menarik dari Star Wars sendiri buat saya mungkin karakter Anakin Skywalkernya ya, meskipun kita tahu pada akhirnya dia yang bakalan jadi salah satu tokoh antagonis paling jahat yang pernah ada, tapi tetep bagaimanapun di episode 2 dan 3 tokoh itu jadi tokoh jagoan kita. Perubahan yang bener bener menonjol keliatan di episode ketiga dari saga ini, the Revenge of the Sith.

George Lucas’ imagination surely knows no bounds.

However the stage was set since the second episode, but the changes happens later, after the last surviving Sith Lord, Darth Sidious successfully manipulated the troubled Anakin. Anakin foresees his wife’s death and start to lose himself. He vowed to do anything in his power to stop that from happening, even turning into the things he swear to destroy.

Buat most people, what Anakin did might even be considered a romantic effort, just how far would you go concerning the one you loved the most? Just what would you do to save the life of the people you care most.

He might say it’s for love, what he did, what he would do, using love as his shield, dia nganggep apa yang dia lakuin benar, but he’s wrong. Nothing will come from a rushed decisions, a brief emotions, a surge of adrenaline.

one of the most troubled character i’ve ever known, Anakin Skywalker.

An American author, Napoleon Hill, said something very good regarding this matter, he said “No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy – unless you let him”. Never let your emotions controls you, you should be the one who controls them, never let what happen within your heart clouded your judgement. True that some times you have to listen to your heart, but listening doesn’t mean following without question, doing without thinking.

How many times have we heard, orang orang nyesel akan apa yang dia lakukan, regrets always come last, that’s for sure, but surely regrets won’t come if we think carefully before we do anything. If we didn’t let our emotions makes the decisions for us.

I for instance, let it be from love, rage, fear, or anything, emotions should always be left alone when making a decisions. But i forget that, and i make a rush decisions, and of course then i’ll regret it.

Buat some petty decisions it might be not a real problem, but for something so big, a small wrong decision, one decision made with emotions filled your head, well it might just turn your whole life south.

always, always remember to think, before you do anything.

Like Anakin who didn’t plan ahead what will happened if he joined the Dark Side of the force, we too will fall. Having a plan, no matter how shabby it is, is always better than going unprepared. A friend of mine said to me that day, ” hidup itu ngga seharusnya di jadiin ajang buat nyesel, banyak orang orang yang bilang, mending kita nyesel udah ngelakuin sesuatu daripada nyesel kita ngga pernah ngelakuin apa apa, gue sih ngga setuju, buat gue, lebih baik kita mikir sebelum ngerjain apapun, biar ngga ada kaya nyesel udah ngelakuin atau engga ngelakuin hal itu” . He’s right, kita hidup cuman sekali, YOLO, You Only Life Once, but that doesn’t mean you can do anything you wanted, that doesn’t approve all the stupid ideas that comes to your mind, hidup cuman sekali berarti kita harus bener bener berpikir ke depan, apa yang akan terjadi kalo kita ngelakuin ini, apa yang akan terjadi kalo kita ngelakuin itu, weight everything, plan anything.

Plan ahead, tag line dari film the A Team itu kayaknya emang bener banget, plan ahead, in everything. Plan ahead so that if your plan fails you’d be prepared for it, plan ahead so the disappointment of failing won’t be in your way, plan ahead so that if things doesn’t go as well as you hoped, you know you have an escape path.

just like the coin, it’s either heads or tail, so is the decisions you make it’s either use your emotions or your senses

Emosi sama akal sehat memang seperti dua buah sisi dari satu koin, ngga mungkin kan gambar garuda muncul barengan dengan gambar angka? sama kayak emosi dan akal sehat, if you let your emotions out, then your decisions will all be an insane one, but if you use your senses to make all the decisions, then you will live a harsh and heartless life. Just like a coin that might gets you head and tails, so is your decisions should be, using your senses, or your emotions.